- in Trip Reports by bhunsaker
1998 Mammoth Cave Restoration Field Camp
1998 marked the 10th annual field camp. Work continued along Echo River Trail with bridge removal the primary objective for the first two days. John Vargo had invented and manufactured two tools over the past winter that greatly aided the removal of the support beams of the bridge. Additional work in the Silliman Avenue area of the cave was conducted later in the week.
Several of the crew had to leave camp by mid-week due to prior commitments and the reduced number of people did create some problems in the removal of materials up the stairs and firetower at the Ruins of Karnak as well as at the entrance stairway.
An evening trip to Great Onyx Cave was scheduled during the week for those who hadn’t seen this cave as well as those who wanted to see it again. It’s always a nice place to visit.
Even though short handed, those remaining at camp accomplished a formidable task in the removal of bridge materials that had been accumulated so far this week. There is still plenty of bridge left for future camps and it would appear that the work is progressing on schedule.
This years’ camp was a success even though the manpower was less than desired. All who attended had some fun while working and many will return next year.